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Trump threatens Putin with 'devistation'...
Does anyone really give a shit about Ukraine or Russia? I sure as hell don't
Follow The $$$$
He asked a question and you had no answer
Justin Trudeau is Doing a Great Job
Doesn't a Party Leader make the direction of the Party? seems like a new direction has come but carry on ONEWAY with all that Trump cock in the mouth its hard to see you only taste
F1 2025
Verstappen is a robot....if Red Bull is even close on the car being competitive with the other top 3....he will carry on as always...
$3 a gallon and $9 a dozen!!!
Those people now have their own party.......The "I aint voting for nobody" party
Follow The $$$$
Why would I look up something that you can't even come close to explaining. If you actually hard part of a brain you'd know what you believe. Go ask your flock for help again...
Trump threatens Putin with 'devistation'...
Fucking sheep. "I agree to the ceasefire if you accept the terms that I asked for when I started the war.".....magats celebrating that is rather funny. Derp.
$3 a gallon and $9 a dozen!!!
We tried that Carnivore diet and it was going to be for 2 maybe 3 weeks. I lasted a week and a half then got sick of eggs and meat lol Damn near became a vegetarian after that. I did drop about 12 or 13 pounds though.
Trump threatens Putin with 'devistation'...
I didn't say he made it go up today, but he put into effect what will guarantee it goes up today. Read...
Justin Trudeau is Doing a Great Job
Anyone listen to TRUMPS complete fucking LIES after LIES rant today? What a fucking shit show
Trump threatens Putin with 'devistation'...
Putin portrays the conflict as part of an existential battle with a declining and decadent West which he says humiliated Russia after the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 by enlarging the NATO military alliance and encroaching on what he considers Moscow's sphere of influence, including Ukraine. there it is... he believes Ukraine is his I disagree
Trump threatens Putin with 'devistation'...
Gas has been going down here as well. Around $1.45 per liter today. As the economy shrinks under the current economic turmoil, the demand for gas will decrease, as will the price. Gas was around $.60 when the covid lockdowns shut down many things. Take the good with the bad.
Trump threatens Putin with 'devistation'...
Went down here 6 cents a gallon.
Trump threatens Putin with 'devistation'...
No, the source is CNBC, The other stuff above is some twatwaffle on twitter cutting and pasting from some other news source.
Trump says he’ll buy a Tesla to support Elon Musk, whose companies are struggling
Don't need one in many provinces. We shouldn't need one in Ontario. If a motorcycle doesn't need one in Ontario, why should a car?
$3 a gallon and $9 a dozen!!!
don't forget we're taking Greenland as well
F1 2025
I have to find a new driver to root for...Checo is gone. Wow, did he have a pathetic year. Only himself to blame...
Trump threatens Putin with 'devistation'...
The source is Putin's own words.
Trump says he’ll buy a Tesla to support Elon Musk, whose companies are struggling
You know you don't need a front license plate in many states including Florida, so they are free to do what they want.
Trump threatens Putin with 'devistation'...
So you can get things from the original source. Good for you champ! You found the feed, before it went through the sheep. 'Outta the park on your first at bat.
Trump says he’ll buy a Tesla to support Elon Musk, whose companies are struggling
Trump's new car? That is an EU licence plate, but I can't identify which member.
Follow The $$$$
Is your Google stuck on retard?
Trump threatens Putin with 'devistation'...
Follow The $$$$
Not smart enough to summarize? Most of us with any intelligence don't watch Rogan.
Trump threatens Putin with 'devistation'...
Duped again.