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    • whether you like the guy or not... he is one smart mf'er when it comes to the game of politics.    “Wokeness is a problem and we all know it” James Carville on the state of Democratic politics. Apr 27, 2021, 7:30 AM CDT “Wokeness is a problem,” he told me, “and we all know it.” According to Carville, Democrats are in power for now, but they also only narrowly defeated Donald Trump, “a world-historical buffoon,” and they lost congressional seats and failed to pick up state legislatures. The reason is simple: They’ve got a “messaging problem.”  Sean Illing Sounds like you got a problem with “wokeness,” James. James Carville Wokeness is a problem and everyone knows it. It’s hard to talk to anybody today — and I talk to lots of people in the Democratic Party — who doesn’t say this. But they don’t want to say it out loud. Sean Illing Why not? James Carville Because they’ll get clobbered or canceled. And look, part of the problem is that lots of Democrats will say that we have to listen to everybody and we have to include every perspective, or that we don’t have to run a ruthless messaging campaign. Well, you kinda do. It really matters. I always tell people that we’ve got to stop speaking Hebrew and start speaking Yiddish. We have to speak the way regular people speak, the way voters speak. It ain’t complicated. That’s how you connect and persuade. And we have to stop allowing ourselves to be defined from the outside. Sean Illing What does that mean? James Carville Take someone like Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She’s obviously very bright. She knows how to draw a headline. In my opinion, some of her political aspirations are impractical and probably not going to happen. But that’s probably the worst thing that you can say about her. Now take someone like Marjorie Taylor Greene, the new Republican congresswoman from Georgia. She’s absolutely loonier than a tune. We all know it. And yet, for some reason, the Democrats pay a bigger political price for AOC than Republicans pay for Greene. That’s the problem in a nutshell. And it’s ridiculous because AOC and Greene are not comparable in any way. Sean Illing Part of the issue is that Republicans are going to paint the Dems as cop-hating, fetus-destroying Stalinists no matter what they say or do. So, yeah, I agree that Democrats should be smart and not say dumb, alienating things, but I’m also not sure how much control they have over how they’re perceived by half the country, especially when that half lives in an alternate media reality. James Carville Right, but we can’t say, “Republicans are going to call us socialists no matter what, so let’s just run as out-and-out socialists.” That’s not the smartest thing to do. And maybe tweeting that we should abolish the police isn’t the smartest thing to do because almost fucking no one wants to do that. Here’s the deal: No matter how you look at the map, the only way Democrats can hold power is to build on their coalition, and that will have to include more rural white voters from across the country. Democrats are never going to win a majority of these voters. That’s the reality. But the difference between getting beat 80 to 20 and 72 to 28 is all the difference in the world. So they just have to lose by less — that’s all. https://www.vox.com/22338417/james-carville-democratic-party-biden-100-days etc...  folks can read the rest of how the guy thinks by clicking the link.     
    • CBS News poll finds tight race in Georgia, where Trump has 2-point edge over Harris  
    • Who pays for these morons to build on a floodplain?
    • This is the meme thread fucktard. Take your butthurt and dry sense of humor elsewhere. 
    • Are Democrats also Capitalists?  Do Liberals buy groceries and rent?  T-bone came into office at the perfect time to ride Obama's economic coattails... and the oil boom.       
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