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    • As long as you think you're stuck to two choices, you will only ever have two choices.  You're feeling exactly how they want you to feel.
    • I rarely ever drink.  Few times a year.  The shit I feel the next day is not worth it.  Regular drinkers are just boring people in general that need the sauce to feel alive again.  I get it, but it's very low level and boring.  If you get stuff done there's just no time for it.
    • I couldn't care less if Ford is a global titan. But I forget, everyone likes to play fantasy ceo.   No other hobbies or what?
    • The guys who broke and crawled through the window then broke open the doors that the Shaman walked through.   Fucking moron. 
    • The irony is he supposedly owns a snowmobile and yet gleefully is cheering on global warming.  This tells you alot.  Remember his rage towards the snowmobiler who clipped the dog sledder? He lives with so much resentment towards snowmobilers, and likely any people that have recreational fun, that the only thing that can make him happy is trying to make those people feel as bad as he does.  Besides the obvious pathetic nature of that, the extra pathetic part is he thinks this would affect anyone even if it were true.  Oh no, the temps could rise another .5 degrees in my lifetime I'm going to sulk around in my shitty ass village of mud and hate life. Imagine not liking a group, let's say xc skiers.  Now imagine joining a bunch of xc ski forums and dedicating years and years of your life to doing everything you can do to try to make them feel bad.  And that's your whole existence. I have empathy for people who are sad.  But not for people that try to turn their sadness into others, that's just a sad bully, and he deserves to be miserable.  And I'm sure it's extra frustrating for him that he can't even get that job done, he can't even troll 😂  If he wasn't such a shitty person I bet we'd have sympathy for him for living in Alaska with nothing and we'd even do a gofundme to get him a snowmobile of his own and riding gear.  But he chose this path which frankly is much more rewarding for us to watch.
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    Gotta make a buck somehow, lol

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