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    • One of our largest customers just sent a form for us to calculate the CO2 emissions for every unit and service part we supply for them.  Well over 1000 part numbers.    Direct emissions would be use of things like NG and indirect based off electrical consumption to produce it.  Imagine trying to accurately calculate the energy consumption of a widget you might make 50 of.     62.  What are direct and indirect emissions? • Direct emissions cover the emissions generated during the production processes of CBAM goods, including from the production of heating and cooling, irrespective of the location of the production of the heating and cooling. This means that when the production of heating and cooling takes place outside the installations, the resulting emissions are counted as direct emissions.   • Indirect emissions cover the production of electricity that is consumed during the production of CBAM goods. • The embedded direct and indirect emissions of relevant precursors are also taken into account when determining the specific embedded direct and indirect emissions of CBAM goods.   • During the transitional phase, for monitoring purposes, importers are required to report both direct and indirect emissions for all goods falling under the scope of CBAM. During the definite phase starting on 1 January 2026, the CBAM scope is limited to direct emissions for iron/steel, aluminium and hydrogen, while importers of cement and fertilisers will have to declare both direct and indirect emissions. 
    • Truck yes, coal no. Our DOT has brought a bunch of police officers up to speed on regulations. I see lots of diesel trucks pulled over and being given the once over. It's really easy to see what isn't factory, and that's all it takes. The police call in the MTO and the fines start adding up.  They pull the plates until it's back to OEM. Word is going around, the time is nigh for deletes and tunes.  
    • Lets see if you can mind your own fucking business Bubbles.
    • You should be on Twitter right now following cats.
    • It was a riot. Had it been a planned coup the minions would've been armed.
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    Gotta make a buck somehow, lol

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