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    • Interest rates are not high.   That %6.1 is actually the average over the last 58 years. Things cost more than they once did, taxes take more than taxpayers can afford and both people and governments borrowed too much money. Who knew the gravy train would eventually come to the end of the line.  
    • The cost of the machine to build and the gamble on it selling, makes it an industry few make money at. Covid stupidity, inflation and interest rates have backed up inventory in many industries.  Look at RV and car lots. Bursting at the seams with overpriced inventory. Bad snow year after bad snow year have amplified the problem. My closest Ski doo dealer is now 60 miles away. There used one 5 miles away and another 15. BRP wants someone local to build a fancy facility and fill it with product. They will be looking for that chump a long time, and we will suffer as consumers. The future may be presales only and short production runs.  
    • China emits one third of all CO2 planet wide, and yes they make cheap ev's.....too bad Dopey followed dementia and tarriff'd  the fuck out of them. Canada makes trees, lots of them. I did some rough math and by golly we've hit the climate change grifters jackpot. Canada's trees consume 10x more CO2 than Canada emits annually. We are not the problem. Until we stop ignoring the elephant in the room we are all going to get trampled.  
    • I loved that post you did. 
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    Gotta make a buck somehow, lol

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