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    • Perhaps Yamaha was in the know, and ducked out before the house collapses? Down too two manufactures isn't good for the sport at all.
    • Back in the day, when  was in floorplanning, most dealers were mechanics that bought the business when the original owner retired.  It never took too long to separate the ones who were good at working on machines and the ones who were good at running a business.  I watched one guy dump a full days-worth of cash sales on strippers before going home to his wife and kids.  That didn't last very long. 2019-21 was a great time to be in sales when they could sell everything they could get their hands on.  With dealerships loaded with carryovers again, now we see who the smart ones are.
    • I'll fix my little corner and lead those to fix theirs should I have to.  I don't give up and I don't quit.  I have no need or wish for any civil discourse anymore.  The liberals brought this on and are first and foremost the problem right now.  Period. The R's can be next but the left needs bleeding first.  
    • So what if it all is? You gonna fix it? I think the world has gone soft. We have it too good. Both sides are looking for things to prove it’s bad and going to shit. Imaginations are running wild. A month ago I sat around a campfire with a 70 year old drunk and a 40something meth head. None of us knew each other. No one gave a shit about any of the shit you bitch about. Bliss, mother fucker. 
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    Gotta make a buck somehow, lol

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