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    • I mean, got a lot of us chasing the bait...not biting.  Just investigating.    
    • Well, you sold me brother!  Besides, I think some kinda EV queer mobile would be a bad color on you.  And what would the kid racers you DQ'd at the track think?  Bad look.
    • he's an independent... and I doubt he's backing her opposition.      “On both sides of the political spectrum, politics has become a race to the extremes. While it takes different forms on the right and the left, make no mistake, extremism is the driving force in both parties today. While each party seeks to serve the most ideological on each side, the sensible majority of America is being alienated and left behind. “Each day, we see increasingly violent language being used to demonize and villainize the other side. No room has been left for discussion or debate. Love of country has been replaced with hate for anyone who professes to support the other party.    “But nothing good has ever come from hate. Sadly, one innocent rallygoer is dead and others injured because we have allowed hate speech to become a rallying cry for political violence. We are fortunate that former President Donald Trump was only wounded and will recover.   “This should be a wake-up call for all of us. This is a moment where Americans must come together to support the ideals that make our nation great. It is a time to put country before party. On both sides. It is a time to focus on what we are for, not who we are against. It is a time to recognize how close we are to tearing this country apart and to acknowledge how much worse that will be for all Americans.  “I am angry, as I know others are, that we are in this position. We must acknowledge that both sides share responsibility for where we are and where we go from here. On both sides, there are groups who seek to impose their own morality on everyone else, as if there were no room in America for people to live together while holding different values. On the right, there are forces that would undermine our democracy to hold onto power. They have already identified a dangerous agenda that they will pursue if given control of all three branches of Congress. And on the left, their actions may just make that one-party control by Republicans a reality. It is increasingly clear that the extremists have captured the party, seeking to pursue policies out of step with, but at the expense of, the majority of Americans.  “At a time when the Democratic Party must realize they risk losing the Senate and even the House, in addition to losing the presidency, they are doing nothing to broaden the tent and appeal to more Americans. Instead, they continue to pull the party to the left. Sadly, their vocal support for President Biden in the face of his irreparable debate performance, are just evidence of how much control the far left has over the current administration.  “The main reason I became an Independent is because I saw that both parties were failing the sensible majority of people in our country and America is losing as a result. I believe that our political system is broken and I remain committed to finding solutions to fix it. “We cannot fix it if we are only out to serve ourselves. Today, we are playing a zero sum game where one side can only win if the other side loses. But that is not a path to progress nor prosperity. It is a path to more of the darkness we saw yesterday in western Pennsylvania. “Our nation has been successful when we have come together to make reasonable compromises to move our country forward. I hope we can learn that demonizing one another only creates more division, and vitriol will only lead to more violence. I hope both parties can remember that each is here to serve America, not themselves. We all deserve better.” https://www.manchin.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/a-wakeup-call-for-america-will-we-answer-it    
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