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    • It’s explained in the “breaking news” above.
    • Any chance we figure out who these 'prominent' republicans are?  Is it  C2c, deep, and steve?
    • So why was this bill necessary then?  ak?
    • Oh surprise, this "breaking" news is four years old.  No, the passage of SB 145 in California does not mean that a 21-year-old can legally have sex with an 11-year-old without facing prosecution. Here's what SB 145 actually does: - **SB 145** aims to address discrimination in California's sex offender registry law by giving judges more discretion in cases involving voluntary sexual conduct between a teenager aged 14 to 17 and an adult who is within 10 years of age of the teenager. Before this bill, judges had discretion in cases of vaginal intercourse (where the law was seen by some as discriminatory against LGBTQ+ individuals since it mandated automatic sex offender registration for other types of sexual activity), but not for other types of sexual activity. - The bill allows for judicial discretion regarding the requirement for sex offender registration in cases where the sexual activity was consensual and not exploitative, but this **only applies within a 10-year age gap**. - Therefore, for an 11-year-old, even with SB 145, any sexual activity with someone who is 21 would **still be illegal** and subject to prosecution under statutory rape laws and other child sexual abuse statutes because: 1. **The age gap exceeds 10 years**, which falls outside the scope of SB 145's intended application. 2. **The age of consent in California is 18**. Anyone under 18 is legally a minor, and sexual activity with someone under the age of consent can lead to charges of statutory rape or other related offenses, regardless of SB 145. 3. **SB 145 does not change the age of consent** or legalize sexual activity with minors significantly younger than 14, nor does it protect adults more than 10 years older than their teenage partners from prosecution. From posts on X and discussions around this topic, there's considerable misinformation or misunderstanding about what SB 145 implies. The law is intended to end discrimination in the application of sex offender registration in certain cases involving close-in-age teenagers, not to legalize pedophilia or shield adults from prosecution when engaging in sexual activities with significantly younger minors. Age of consent is still 18. 
    • Shit, i guess i assumed dems that snowmobile were not the deviants and wierdos that other dems were.  
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