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    • 100%!! I mentioned Jeremy Munson earlier ... this is what he had posted and it aligns with the DEI topic, as well as the concerns for potential land grabs with this proposal (sorry for the longer read): Please understand and share a few facts about the Constitutional Amendment you are voting on in MN. Fact: In MN, the government owns over 25% of all the land. Each legislative session, through various environmental bills, the government snarfs up another 15,000-30,000 acres of private land. Fact: Leaders of tribal nations surrounded by the boundaries of the State of Minnesota have recently been gifted tens of thousands of acres from Minnesota taxpayers and have declared they want more. Fact: The new committee tasked with reviewing and recommending policies and approvals of spending of the natural resources trust fund will be comprised of 11 members. Two must be citizens of the Ojibwe nation, two members must be from the Dakota nation, and four are chosen specifically on race - all must be non-white. That's 73% of the board, which approves the spending, based solely on nationality or race. On principle, I support a voluntary tax (lottery tax) to be spent on improving our environment and water. However, the law as passed, specifically prohibits these funds from being spent on drinking water, stormwater, and wastewater projects - which is our most important water and environmental need in our state where we have crumbling rural and metro water infrastructure. From the bill: "The assets of the fund shall not be used to pay for any costs related to the construction, repair, improvement, or operation of any facility or system that processes wastewater, but may be used to pay for research related to wastewater." The members of this council will be empowered and stacked with votes to spend billions of dollars purchasing land from private citizens and transferring it to government control or gifting it to tribal nations. Fact: Taking land from private control and transferring it to government or tribal nations removes that land from the tax base, thereby increasing property taxes for the rest of Minnesotans. from the bill https://www.revisor.mn.gov/.../0/Session+Law/Chapter/67/ Subd. 2. Membership; terms. (a) The commissioner, in consultation with the commissioners of health and the Pollution Control Agency, must appoint 11 residents of Minnesota to the advisory council, and the appointees must include: (1) two members who are members of the Minnesota Ojibwe Tribe; (2) two members who are members of the Minnesota Dakota Tribe; and (3) four members who identify as Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Asian, or Pacific Islander or as members of a community of color. Vague language as it appears on your ballot: “Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to protect drinking water sources and the water quality of lakes, rivers, and streams; conserve wildlife habitat and natural areas; improve air quality; and expand access to parks and trails by extending the transfer of proceeds from the state-operated lottery to the environment and natural resources trust fund, and to dedicate the proceeds for these purposes?” Don't feed the beast of government gobbling up more private land. Don't fall for the narrative that these funds will be used for drinking water and to protect storm and waste water from polluting our lakes and rivers. It specifically prohibits such spending. The legislature is elected to spend tax revenue - let them do their work. Expanding our Constitution handcuffs the legislature and grows the executive branch of government. Vote NO on Minnesota Amendment 1
    • Im pretty sure he counts it, too. 
    • Ebita at 9.2% is really good. If you were to put a company for sale a that ebita percentage in a downed market, every private equity group would be all over it faster than flys on shit. Fuck they would gut everything to make it say 12%, sell it off and walk away winners 
    • Lakeside has been around a long time and it’s sad to them go out this way. When the textron dealership shut down my family was involved with was actually sold off as turn key dealer and the new owners ran it out of business fast. textron took it over and really fucked over everything. I wish the original owner of it was still alive. Great man and passed suddenly a couple years ago and was way too young. 
    • Everyone here knows you are a moron, you don't have to keep telling us.. BTW there is no such thing as "profit loss"  its profit, or loss.  Saying proffit loss is like saying jimwit smart. care to show me where in the report it states "80% profit loss"???   Quarterly sales of $1.72 billion, which fell 23% year-over-year, missed the street view of $1.77 billion. Adjusted gross profit margin fell 184 basis points year over year to 20.8%. Primary factors affecting third-quarter sales were lower volume, product mix, and net pricing driven by elevated promotional activity. Adjusted EBITDA margin in the quarter under review contracted 333 basis points year over year to 9.2%. In the third quarter, market share for off-road vehicles (ORV), motorcycles, and pontoons declined modestly. Powersports retail sales fell by 7% compared to last year, primarily due to decreases in ORV, motorcycles, and marine sales, with ORV retail down by 3%. “We expect a challenging retail environment throughout the rest of 2024 and into next year,” said Mike Speetzen, Chief Executive Officer of Polaris.   Polaris exited the quarter with cash and equivalents worth $291.3 million, with net inventories at the quarter-end of $1.998 billion. Outlook: Polaris has revised its 2024 sales outlook to a decline of about 20% compared to 2023, up from the previous estimate of a 17% to 20% decrease. It now expects adjusted diluted EPS to drop approximately 65% relative to 2023, compared to the earlier forecast of a 56% to 62% decline. Price Action: PII shares are trading lower by 5.16% to $76.06 at last check Tuesday.
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