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    • That's a lot,........I think my best was close to a case of 24 In my late teens.   12 packs were a norm back in the day but not nearly that much anymore.  1 to3 most days.    It looks like I'm gonna do the dry January for the hell of it. On day number two I started out late.       But going to a party next friday, so we'll see if I hold out... all drinkers  .... Probably cave to the peer pressure....no biggie either way.. I got nothing to prove went 4 months easily last year.     Just like to give the liver a break and chance to rejuvenate every now and then.          
    • Ooooh Ooooh! Epic conditions on Tug Hill with “all that snow” dumbfuck @krom predicted. What happened Krom? Why is it already melting Krom? Why was it 50°F right after New Year’s Krom? Why’s you snow melt right after it falls Krom?     
    • well we banged out 135 miles. it appeared that everyone went south. smith rd at 830 had 4 trucks, 3 overnight and my buddy that was meeting us. made me worry, but i have tug hill intuition. for the most part it was well worth it. we did not make barnes cornes as i worried about rocks. we did try to go south. got down by little john , trails closed towards bc. trail we thought to redfield was closed. so we backtracked to hook and ladder, great lunch and some fuel. flat rock was rocky as hell. we turned towards montague and it was much better. pebbles but faaaast. rector , roswam same , as well as carey through maple ridge. ran the rail bed, blown off by the reservoir but the rest was eye watering. speaking of that , it snowed all day , and the wind was crazy. north south to michigan mills sucked , all rocks. went towards barrows , thinking about going south , but met a big water hole behind barrows. went back to the truck trail and seasonal roads. eye watering but hazards are there. overall i'm glad i skipped south based on the sleds we saw with mud stuck to them over the hoods. the seasonal roads held the best riding even though there were rocks and pebbles. i had a blast getting my fingers stretched. the ride home. holy shit , absolute old-school rte 12 whiteout. took a while , even the thruway was slow , snowed to schenectady. and the fool passing me on rte 12, hits the guardrails right next to me. his back end flies up , he bouncing all over, front wheels locked up and pointed my way. somehow missed. maybe my mom from the heavens watching out for me. it was close. 
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