Since I've been in the market for 5 years for an EV, that's pre Liberal hate for Musk, it's only been in the last year or so that the added a charging station in Detroit Lakes, that was the go-no go point for me, If I can make to DL there are numerous chargers available from there. I had the intent to get a Mach E, just to buy local, but on a -20 day I was told a Mach E, wouldn't make it to DL, and if it did it would take a couple hours to charge. A hard no for me. 5-6 years ago EV's were great city cars but not a very good road trip car do to range, range has got so much better and charging on some much faster a handful make sense for roadtrips, hence why I decided now's the time to try one.
And since you like calling Elon a Nazi, do you call AOC a Nazi, she still uses the wave constantly along with our illustrious Governor but he did add a little finger wavy lately which comes across as a little "weird"?
airflite1 ·