The potus has far reaching authority when it comes to immigration. Why would anything need to be invoked to deport non-citizens?
Do you think for an instant that if the court had more so called liberal justices that gun laws wouldn't dramatically change in this country and reverse many rulings already on the books?
Roe wasn't political....even RBG said it was improperly decided to begin with and was ripe for challenge because of it.
CU was not activism. It looked at the nature of modern media outlets (corporate entities) and simply said if they or organizations like unions can spend money to push a political opinion or candidate so should others be allowed to do the same. Just because you label yourself media, press or whatever doesn't mean you get different rights under the 1st amendment.
Liberal justices voted to allow for private property to be seized under eminent domain and sold to another private entity simply for increased in property tax revenue. (Kelo v. City of New London.) An absolute absurd way to interpret ED. Under this ruling technically no property is safe from govt confiscation.
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