I wouldn't expect any smoking gun beyond the failure of the CIA and FBI to warn SS.
I can't imagine our govt killing Kennedy AND keeping written records of everything. Why would they document the worst govt action in the history of the country?
Supposedly Oswald threatened a FBI agent shortly before the assassination and that was covered up and the agent was told to destroy those files. There might be some record or investigation of that after the fact that was hidden. If true they could have arrested him on those threats and saved Kennedy's life. That alone looks bad enough and I can see how they would hide it.
Former CIA agent Andrew Bustamante is pretty good in his videos. He kind of claimed the same thing Trump previously did saying the average American can't handle the truth and the govt in order to operate needs to be able to keep some things secret. This MIGHT be nothing more than highlighting how our IC back then basically hated each other and worked against each other more so than together. This probably still goes on and didn't improve much until after 9/11.
Keep in mind Bustamante seems to still be kind of a lackey for the CIA and IC in general.
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