Fixed the frame on my 6x14 landscape trailer so I could get through a safety inspection. I hadn't used a welder in 15-20 years and was never good at it in the first place. I had a buddy used to come do my welding for me (he passed away last summer).
Rear frame section rotted through where the angle bracket was tacked on as support for the plank floor. After cutting out the floor planks and grinding away the remains of the old angle, I had to plate across the area with a 1/4" x4" x 76" piece of steel flat stock then tack some angle iron to the flat stock to support the floor planks. Then I fixed a couple holes I found at the front of the frame.
Best thing I did was go buy a new welding helmet and a box of 7018 rods before I started. New rods make you feel like a Pro.
Blackstar ·